Kuk Sul Hapkido Martial Arts


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Capoeira is lithe gymnastic Brazilian martial art. It was developed by African slaves in Brazil when it was illegal for slaves to practice martial arts. Capoeira uses dance, chanting and music to disguise their fighting techniques. Students form a circle (called roda). Sparing is graceful acrobatics and gymnastics play, maneuver, deception, well as sweeps, kicks, spins, flips and head butts. "Regional" and "Angola." are the two main styles of capoeira Capoeira has two main styles, known as "Regional" and "Angola."


Capoeira's ranking system uses a cordao or rope (colored belt) to show the experience that a student has. The ropes indicate proficiency and time devoted in Capoeira. It represents more knowledge of Capoeira rather than physical ability but the two usually go together.

In Capoeira, progress in rope signifies a greater understanding of the art as well as proficiency. Ropes are handed at a ceremony called BATIZADO (baptism). After a student is baptized and obtains their first rope (usually green ) they are finally recognized as Capoeira player or Capoeirista.(practioners of capoeira) After their first rope they must learn to speak Portuguese, the history of Capoeira and music in addition to the various philosophies and customs of Capoeira.

With each rope advancement, the player represents a completer and more well-rounded Capoeirista. As a student climbs through the ranks so shall their knowledge & experience. If the Capoerista persist, over the years, they will eventually become a graduated student and receive their blue rope. When you receive your blue rope, you can now teach under the master's direction . After gaining teaching experience you will become a contramestre (one level below a master) As a contramestre

you can now teach class on your own, preparing your path to enter the master's level. Once you achieve a master's degree, you will remain under the same rope for at least 5 years.