Kuk Sul Hapkido Martial Arts

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Hapkido is a forceful and diverse Korean martial art.
The plain description of hapkido can be found in the translation of the word Hapkido:
HAP = harmony or synchronized
KI = inner energy, spirit, might, or power;
DO = the way. Path or the concept of balance through "full circle wholeness"
Accordingly hapkido translates to "The way to harmony through body and mind coordination."

Hapkido primarily uses joint locks, pressure points, throws, kicks, and strikes . Hapkido is an original Asian martial art of absolute self-defense; it deals with offsetting the techniques of other martial arts as well as ordinary "unskilled" attacks.

Even though hapkido comprises of both long-range fighting and infighting techniques, the end of most situations is to get close for a strike, lock, or throw. Hapkido, like Judo can be non-resisting engagement, that uses the foes power against them. Hapkido employs footwork and body positioning and utilizes leverage to avoid the use of muscle against muscle.

Hap Ki Do offers total physical conditioning which improves balance, stance, flexibility, timing, strength and mainly self-confidence due to physical and mental discipline. The purpose of Hapkido is the health and well-being of its students as well as concentration on the individuals character building. such as politeness, humility, dependability, kindness, and loyalty are not only the source, but also the rewards of Hapkido.

Dojo Etiquette

It is the duty of each student to help in creating a positive feeling of harmony and respect. Cleaning is an act of thanksgiving. It is every student's obligation to help in cleaning the dojo and to purify his or her own mind and heart.

The dojo is not to be used for any reason other than regularly scheduled classes without the direct authorization of the head instructor.

Abide by the Founder and his teachings as succeeded and handed down by instructors. Respect the dojo, respect your training tools and respect each other.

The beginning and end of each hapkido class starts with a proper bow, pointing to the instructor and other students. The bows directed to the instructor signifies respect for the principles of hapkido, and gratitude to the Founder for developing this system of study.

Always bow when stepping on or off the mat in the direction of the flag. Respect your training gears. Your uniform should be clean and patched. Weapons should be in good condition and in their proper place when not in use.

A few minutes before class time you should be warmed up and formally seated in quiet meditation practicing breathing to rid your mind of the day's problems and prepare for study.

It is important to be on time for practice and partake in the opening ceremony.

If you are unavoidably late you should wait, formally seated beside the mat until the instructor signals his or her permission for you to join the class. Quietly perform a simple seated bow as you get on the mat.

Do not leave the mat without permission during class except in the case of injury or illness. When the end of a class is signaled, stop immediately, bow to your partner and quickly line up with the other students.

If it is necessary to ask a question of the instructor you should go to him or her and bow respectfully (standing bow). Never call the instructor over to you. Respect those more experienced. Never argue about technique.

Respect those less experienced. Do not pressure your ideas on others.

If you understand the movement and are working with someone who does not, you may lead that person through it. Do not attempt to correct or instruct your training partner unless you are authorized to do so.

Keep talking on the mat to an absolute minimum.

Fingernails and toenails must be short. Feet must be clean. Shoes or sandals are never allowed on the mat. No eating, drinking, smoking or gum chewing in the dojang.

No jewelry should be worn during practice, including rings and pierced earrings. Never drink alcoholic beverages while still wearing practice uniform.

You are welcomed to sit and watch a class at any time, but the following rules of etiquette must be followed. Sit respectfully, never with legs propped up on the furniture or in a reclining position. Do not talk to anyone while they are on the mat and class is in progress.

Do not talk or walk around while the instructor is demonstrating or during the opening and closing ceremony. However there seem to be many forms of etiquette to remember, they will come naturally as you continue to learn. Please do not resent it if you are corrected on a point of etiquette for each one is important to your safety and to the learning experience.